Let's Wrap It Up

Onto the final day of filming! Yay we're reaching the end. The only scenes we had left to film were the house scenes and the hospital scene. We decided to do these both at Lola's house. We all met up at her house after school yesterday to get everything done. The only people in the scenes we were filming were Jack and one of his friends, played by Nate. We started out with the house scenes, for this we used Lola's front room. We also asked Lola's parents to participate in playing Jack's parents in the film. They said yes and we got her house a little bit tidied before starting. We quickly shot the parent scenes and moved upstairs for the room scenes. For this we had to make dizzying effects on the camera to show Jack passing out. We did this by slightly shaking the camera and rotating it in a circle. Once Jack fell over and was passed out we filmed a final shot of his face. I then reviewed the shots we had gotten so far while Jack, Nate, and Lola set up Lola's ...