Getting the Ball Rolling

 Hey there! We're finally here in my favorite part of this project, the filming! My group and I can't wait to get to filming and editing but there are some things that need to be taken care of first. To start, we have to get the props needed to start filming next week. In my group Jack will get the medical props like a stethoscope and any other medical paraphernalia he can find for the hospital scenes. Lola and I will both bring our cars so we can film a car crash, and Lola will bring anything else that will make an area look like a car crash. I will then also bring any sort of everyday items we will need. This will be things like coffee cups and shopping bags for the mall scenes. I know Lola has prepared her props so now Jack and I just have to be prepared before next week. We are planning to film next Monday on President's day since we have no school. This is different than what we planned on but we didn't realize that we had the Monday off, and that we were all not otherwise busy.

We have also started discussing who will do what on the day of filming. Jack will most likely play our main character with some of our other friends playing his friends in the mall scene. Our friends include Tanner, Macy, Nate, and anyone else who might be available on the Monday we are filming. If any of our chosen friends are unavailable we will have to find other people to help us. Lola is planning on operating the camera throughout the shoot. She will also make sure we have all of the right angles and lighting as we move filming locations. I will help her and also play the person our main character crashes with in the beginning of the film. 

The weather next Monday looks like it should be good for filming, with no rain or anything that could limit us. Also, even if it does rain we could just split filming up and only film indoor scenes on Monday. 

I am so excited to get the ball rolling on filming our short film!


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