Genre Research: Drama

One of the genres my group and I are researching is the drama genre. The drama genre is  used in order to evoke a strong wave of emotions for the audience not only fear or happiness. Movies that fall under the drama category also tend to be based on a characters conflict at a time in their lives. This fits perfectly for our film as we are filming a short film about a boy that gets in a car accident and his life is forever changed. Throughout this story there are plot twists etc. which will cause the audience to feel many different emotion. For the drama genre, there are many different angles and shots that are used to spike all of these emotions. For example, one of the most common shots is a POV shot. This is used in order to to show what the main character is seeing throughout certain parts of the film. High angles are also used a lot as it shows when a person is feeling either threatened or anxious about something or someone that may be "above" them. Close ups are crucial when filming the drama genre too. This is because close ups really captures what emotions the character is feeling in order to make the audience feel that same way as well. Dramas do not have a common setting as a drama can take place anywhere at anytime. I love this element of the drama genre because the setting doesn't have to be taking place in a certain scene. for example horror films most always take place somewhere dark and eerie, in drama films that isn't necessary. this is good for my group and I as we are high school students and are on a budget so keeping the setting basic is beneficial. Props are also kept pretty basic and can be anything you want. Based on your story line any props can be used in a drama to make your movie. Some common props used in drama films would be lost of cash, a gun, a briefcase, etc. Makeup is usually kept realistic as well to keep as much reality to the movie as possible. One thing I do not like about the drama genre is sometimes drama can be too childish and make the movie unrealistic and stupid. I am not a fan of the movie that have so much drama that it starts to get confusing. Anyways, peace out!


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