Our Genre of Choice

Hey there! My group and I all intensely researched multiple genres to decide which would be the best to use. After carful consideration my group narrowed in down to the genres comedy, drama, and thriller. We then finally came to the conclusion that the drama genre would best suit our film idea. The other genres for example comedy would not work as well as it very hard to connect both intense drama and suspense with laughter and joy. The point in our film is to shock our audience with the plot twist and keep a high emotional intensity. Thriller is in also not the ideal genre as there is not an intent to scare the audience but more to spike emotions. We are also still high-school students with a limited budget and no movie equipment. This makes it very hard to do movies like thriller and keep them looking somewhat realistic. The unsuspecting plot twist found at the end of our film also inspired the pick of the drama genre. Both the thriller and comedy genres don’t get you ready for the p...