Starting the Process

Before any good film, comes preparation and planning.

Through the many steps we've taken to prepare for this 2 minute opening sequence film, my favorite step was researching the title designs of other horror films. It really showed me how all the editing and choices directors make contribute to the overall feel of movies. Even the smallest of things from the very beginning of the film make a difference. I am excited to also do this with the film we are making.

All this research has actually inspired me and sparked a passion in directing and making films. So, I am excited to start filming and putting together this opening sequence. We were planning on starting this past weekend but there were complications regarding location and group mates. We decided last week that we would film at my group mate Macy's house. She was out of town this week, so we couldn't use her house and were out of a place to film. This also meant Macy couldn't film with us and her part is important. She was also going to invite some her friends to act in it. With none of this working we just decided to delay filming until next weekend. 

In the mean time, my other group mate Noura and I decided to complete our storyboard and further plan the steps of our filming. We have mostly everything that we will need, other than maybe a bag of microwave popcorn that we could buy at the store. All the other supplies needed are office supplies that Macy has at her house. These are a paper and pencil. All of that is just for the physical filming, not to mention the editing. We will figure that out after we film and get ready to edit. For now we can just wait for Macy to come back and film next weekend. 


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