Now We Wait

We finally decided to film next week. This means that all we can do now is wait for next week to come. We spend our time in class preparing as much as we can. We hope filming goes as smoothly as possible and prepping will help insure that.  First we decide on who is going to be in the film. We know that everyone in our group will be in it, but we need more of an ensemble. Macy invited her close friend Taylee. Noura also might be able to invite another one of our friends. We also realized we need to ask Macy's brother to play the brother in the film. 

With that decided, we move on with our prep. Next we have to choose costumes for our characters. The film takes place at a sleepover. That being said, pajamas is the obvious choice. We also decided the brother can just wear everyday clothes. That is everyone who needs a costume so we will ask all of our actors to bring their pajamas to wear. 

Props was the final thing to discuss. We already filmed the popcorn scene, but we still might need to re-film it for continuity of the set. This means Macy needs to check if she has popcorn and let us know. If she doesn't have any then we will buy some on the way to her house to film next week. The only other props we need are pencils and paper, which Macy already has.

We have discussed all that we can, now it is a waiting game. 


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