Here it is! My group and I had so much fun completing this process while learning more about how to film and edit. We hope you enjoy our music video to the song Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo.
Link: CR Google Doc How do your products represent social groups or issues? A social group or issue represented in my products is the Lgbtq community. Our main character, Jack, is a gay man with the film featuring him and his boyfriend. Our film however does not entirely focus on Jack’s sexuality, I believe this even more strongly represents the social group of the Lgbtq community because it helps reduce stigma and normalize seeing gay couples on the big screen. With the story being largely similar as to what it would be if Jack had a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend it brings awareness to the true normalcy of Lgbtq couples and the struggles they experience similar to everyone else. This detail of Jack being gay is not in the focus so much so that this detail is not featured anywhere in the postcard or website. This furthers the idea of how creating no special focus on Jack’s gay identity strongly represents the social group of the Lgbtq community. There is no example of discrimi...
Hey there! Another short film I researched was A Women of No Importance. This film was about an undocumented single mother who has has a hard life and finally takes control of it. Her store manager overworks her and blackmails her until she is able to blackmail him back. This short film is only seven minutes long however it tells a very real and dramatic story incorporating many common things found it drama films. The film sparks so many emotions starting from sad to mad and to proud while also leaving an uneasy feeling at the end. Many dramas end in a way you don’t want or expect them to as this short film did. In this film unlike the others I researched had much less dialogue and more digestive sound such a car noises and people. This was to show how the woman felt weak in the society she was living in and didn’t have anything to say. There was also many camera angles and shots that are found in drama films. For example there were many closeups on the women’s face showing when s...
We are nearly done with our film! Being in the final editing stages is such a relief after the craziness this film has brought. From multiple plot changes and confusion to losing our entire film and having to start over it has been a wild ride. We have begun doing peer reviews and getting feedback from people like our friends and parents. With only a few notes that Lola, our main editor, had gone back and fixed, The Crash is almost complete. This project has been so fun and truly advanced my film making abilities. This includes everything from filming to making the storyboard. I have been much more hand on with this project than I feel I was in my AS level projects and I have loved it. I am truly going to miss this class when I finish this course. The only final things left for the other aspects of this project is the website and postcard. Lola has sent me her draft of the postcard which I had some notes on. I suggested she add a border and one more additional photo to back up the cont...
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