Last Minute Changes

Our original story board tells the story of a girl that is being followed by a masked figure who seems to only be around as a reflection. She first sees it in the morning as she gets ready, and then in a car window reflection in a parking lot, and finally she confronts it at the beach with her friends after running from it all day. We realized a couple of problems with this idea when we started filming. 

First, we didn't have a way to get to a parking lot of the beach. We had originally thought we could walk or have one of our parent's drive us. The problem was that it was too far to walk with not enough time, and none of our parents were available. We realized this once we got to Macy's house to film so we started discussing what else to do instead. We could do the bathroom scene like we had planned, but had to adjust the other scenes. We wanted to still incorporate the car, so we decided to still do it, just not at a cafe parking lot. We used it as a way for her to be running away as if she was about to drive away from the masked figure in her house. For the beach scene we instead decided to use the pool at Macy's house. This worked because we could still have the main character be having fun with her friends before confronting the monster with the mask.

Secondly, we didn't consider how to film with reflections. We were ambitious in our storyboard and planned some scenes that when we started filming, realized that the camera and person filming would also be in the shot. In professional films they have editing and tricks that allow them to film these scenes without problem, we do not. Our first problem with this was at the beginning with the bathroom mirror, we ended up having to film at an angle with Noura (who was filming) standing in the shower to not be seen. We also had to change the scene of the main character looking into the car window, for this we instead had her in the car already because she is trying to escape, and the masked figure in the rear view mirror. 

Changing the storyboard was new to me and I was a little bit reluctant to it. I didn't have to change anything when filming my commercial so this was a first for me. With all of the issues though, I new it had to be done, and the scenes worked out. Even with all the adjusting to our original storyboard, the storyline is still there, plus we were able to get all the filming done in one day, so all is well.


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