Storyboard: Watching it come together

 Sheet 1:  

The film starts with shots showing the house where it takes place, and the main characters having a sleepover. They are doing basic things like pillow fights and making popcorn. 


Sheet 2: 

They finish getting the popcorn and return to being a group of girls in their bedroom. 


Sheet 3: 

An eerie mood is starting to be created with foreshadowing and focus on the door, but eventually cutting back to the girls dancing and having fun. 


Sheet 4: 

They settle down and try and decide on something to do. One of the girls suggests Charlie Charlie. 


Sheet 5:  

They set up and play the game. The lights flicker and tension in the film is high, but then we see a shot of one of the girl’s younger brother playing with the lights.  


Sheet 6: 

The girls yell at the little boy and tell him to stop bothering them. They then go back to a birds eye view shot of them playing the game more.  


Sheet 7: 

The lights flicker again, but this time it isn’t the little brother. The scoring and shots create tension as one girl walks to the door, then she falls and drops the pencil they were using in the game. It is bloody.  


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