Here is my CCR, it is in the form of a podcast. I hope you enjoy! Sammyalice28 · Final Task Podcast CCR This is the script I used: * intro song* Hello listeners Im Noura Attah and you're listening to Moder n Media ! The podcast where I discuss the gritty details of filmmaking and inspiration with up and coming names in the film industry. Today we have a very warm welcome for our special guest of th e episode , exec utive producer and assistant director to the 202 3 film Charlie, Samantha Price!! Hii, thank you so much for having me! Of course, you're a pleasure to have. Now, I was thinking we could get straight into it and talk about your exciting new film. Sounds perfect First tell me a little bit about the film itself. Okay, Charlie is a new take on thriller that uses all the classic cliches. I don’t wanna reveal too much but it’s the story of three friends and a spooky supernatural sleepover. Oooooh soun...